熊,箱子,和男孩 (Xióng, Xiāngzi, hé Nánhái): The bilingual Chinese version is here!

Learn Mandarin Chinese!
Well OK, maybe you’ll need at least a few basics before you delve right in. So learn Chinese a little bit, and then use this book for practice and vocabulary. Who knows, maybe you’ve got a knack for languages and will be translating court cases after you master the bear’s adventures. Maybe you’re a Chinese speaker who would like your children to retain their language skills. Whatever your motivation, I hope you will enjoy the new Side-by-side Chinese-English bilingual edition of The Bear, the Box and the Boy, available now!
This edition features a short glossary/vocab list, and the English pronunciation (pinyin) beside the Chinese characters.
Thank you to Kasey in China for orchestrating the wonderful translation, native-speaking editors and assistants, and incredible turn-around time!